Friday, August 19, 2005

I need an extreme makeover!

My baby is going to be mobile soon. That terrifies me. It would terrify you too, if you could see the shape of my house. It has been in a state of constant renovation since the moment we moved in 5 years ago. Currently we don't have a ceiling- or at least not the standard ceiling that most people see when they look up. The white, smooth sheetrocked ceiling is a memory to me. Instead we have what's left when you rip a ceiling down-the grid-like look of furring strips and wooden beams. I've gotten used to the look and even tried to convince myself that perhaps we could be starting a new trend in architectural design. However, the ceiling is not what concerns me with regards to my daughter's ability to do more than lay on her blanket, but it is an indication as to just how "in a fix" we are when it comes to home repair. We bit off more than we could chew and now we're choking.
My primary concern is actually the opposite of the ceiling- that's right-the floor. It's carpeted (ick) but in addition getting trashed by the renovation, it has also been attacked by my golden retriever. Roslyn is a sweet dog and I love her dearly, but she has destroyed what's left of our carpet. We'd taken down several walls in our home, which left the carpet frayed in some spots. Roslyn has taken to chewing on those frayed spots so that nail strips are visable and quite painful if you forget where they are at 2:00 in the morning. So, now we have a baby who wants to crawl around and explore her environment. How do I break the news to her? Sorry, your house is just far too dangerous for you to actually do more than sit or sleep. Why don't you wait to crawl on Monday when you go to the sitters? I know what you're thinking- pull up the nail strips, problem solved, right? I wish. I haven't even mentioned the hole under the couch- the hole that if you moved the couch would give you a direct view of my basement. Or the staircase with no handrail. Or the back deck with no handrail. Or the exposed electrical.
Maybe my story's not sad enough for extreme makeover, but it sure brings tears to my eyes!

1 comment:

Ezili said...

I think it's time for Dave to come back and whip that place into baby shape!