Saturday, April 19, 2008

Stairway to heaven!

Finally, access to our basement. I will no longer be hauling my dirty laundry down the icy, hill in our side yard to get to the basement. My neighbors must think I'm heading down to the river to wash my clothes.
Oh and the builder is not done- he's going to finish it with real wood (oak, I believe) and a real banister and real balusters! Can you feel me trembling??


Ballard Greener said...

I wish I could get you as excited as this set of stairs does.

Unknown said...

They look great, I'm so glad that you don't have to wash your clothes in the river anymore!! ;)

Mainiac said...

Congratulations. Progress, one step at a time. (Excuse the pun). Looks potentially wonderful. Your Dad wants to know where you put all the "stuff". Thanks for your call. It meant so much to him.

Mainiac said...

p.s. Unrelated info... Allison would like to communicate with you re: twins etc. Left her email on your email. Please let me know if you got it. If not, I will call with it. Thanks. Love to all.