Thursday, April 03, 2008

Addendum to previous post

I have to say I felt like a heel for most of the day for posting so negatively about my little miss last night. Really, I should have been sleeping instead of complaining about how difficult it can be to raise a toddler. I am afterall very sleep deprived (one day I'll bitch about her brothers and how they keep me up at night.) But I feel like writing a retraction of sorts- to clear my guilty conscience, I guess. Not that it matters to anyone but me, but I feel it's necessary to say that she's the reason why we felt compelled to procreate again. She's why I can't wait to get home at the end of the day. There's no way to describe how it feels when you walk through the front door and are greeted by a screeching 3 year old who seems like she's been waiting all day for this exact moment. It's love, pure and unconditional.
It's still hard being a parent to a toddler, but I wouldn't change my life or the little people in it for anything else in the world. I would like to get a decent nights sleep, but I'm pretty sure there's no one I can bargain with to make that happen.
There I feel better.


xianfern said...

You are so sweet, and such a great mom! No reason to feel guilty for venting about how difficult life with a 3 year old can be, we all know how much you love her, that's never in question.. if you didn't love your kids so much you wouldn't care that they can literally drive you to the brink of insanity!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry! we know you love that kid. Two nights ago I told Miss S that "I loved her but was not in love with her" as she screamed in my ear at 2 in the morning because I wouldn't let her read books.

Ballard Greener said...

I just see it as confirmation that we need harder drugs!-mr christ

Mainiac said...

You are the best Mom. All you have to do is listen to Miss A talk to her dolls and you know what kind of an influence you've had on her. Guilt is a by-product of motherhood. We have to learn to shed that skin.