Tuesday, November 29, 2005


At the start of every week, I try to deny myself visits to the vending machines at work. If I'm not successful on Monday, the rest of the week is shot (I'm not about to do this half-assed- every day of the week or none at all.)
So, this morning, being Tuesday (Monday was a bust) I stop at the machine on my way to my office. I pop my 50 cents into the machine and make my selection (peanut m&m's). I grab my fix and turn to leave when I hear the machine behind me making a familiar cha-ching sound- as if it was making change for me (change that was not due as I'd given EXACT change)
I inspect the change slot and there's 4 quarters. I've not only gotten my m&m's for free, but now I've even made a little money. I decide to try my luck again and put in 2 more quarters. This time I purchase Reeses pieces and I wait for the machine to yield my prize. But no luck, the machine spits out my candy and nothing more. Oh well, it was a fun stretch. And for all you kind spirited, honest people out there- don't worry, karma will find me and kick my ass- or at least add a dimple or two...

1 comment:

Ezili said...

It must be a sign--you were SUPPOSED to eat that candy and then some. OR maybe you need to buy extra lottery tickets--just remember me when you win big, K ?