Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Guess What

I've got the internet back (briefly) and I don't have much to talk about. My mom's still an anorexic in hiding. She told me last week, while hanging out at Raising 2 kids house, that my daughter's legs were slimming down. She's 7 months old and weighs under 16 lbs, what is she slimming down to? Is it more attractive if an infant looks malnourished? I just don't get it.
Gwentyh Paltrow is reportedly having another baby- wonder if she'll have another fruit or perhaps a vegetable this time? Maybe a Squash or an Asparagus...
The mean talker always gets the nastiest people on the phone. She doesn't know what's up with that. Hmmm...
I'm entered to win a safari to Africa ( I was caller # 7 with the correct answer to their trivia question- thanks Ask Jeeves). I wonder if my boss would give me the time off and if raising 2 kids would watch my kid. How many shots in my ass would I need for a trip like that? Yikes.
I have to go to somewhere in MA for 3 days next week for system administration training (the top of the bottom of the barrel) I don't want to go, but I can't get out of it.
What's up with the Avian bird flu? Does anyone else want to kill chickens just because??


Ezili said...

Oh boy! Your mom should see J's baby that we just saw who outweighs your baby and is so much younger---she would have a fit. Little Miss is perfect!

Unknown said...

If you win that trip to Africa, aren't you going to just give me the tickets?? That's usually what you do!