Sunday, May 24, 2009

Who's who?

Xianfern thinks she's so smart because she can always tell my boys apart (I can NEVER tell who's who with her girls.) Here's a little test for her, although I've kept it pretty simple by only including pictures of the boys together. Good luck (though I don't think she'll need it. What I also did to keep it simple was give birth to a very non identical looking set of twins! :)


Unknown said...

Ok, you're asking for it..
pic 1- V, F
pic 2- F, V
pic 3- V, F
pic 4- F, V
pic 5- V, F
pic 6- V, F

Unknown said...

wait, pic 3- F,V

Unknown said...

Pic 5 is F, then V

Unknown said...

so here's where I'm totally correct
pic 1- V, F
pic 2- F, V
pic 3- F, V
pic 4- F, V
pic 5- F, V
and pic 6- V, F

I'm sure!!

christhadasister said...

Ok, so you're pretty good, but it did take you 4 tries...;) Post some of your girls so I can see how miserably I'd do...

ctale said...

UM...very cute pictures but picture # 4 - the doll in teh background with long hair is one of the scariest things ever...come to life scary.

Unknown said...

That is the scariest fucking doll EVER! It used to belong to my mom.. but now it's property of Miss A. I'm so glad that my girls did not get that ghostly looking doll.. scares the piss out of me every time I see it!!