Monday, January 02, 2006

I'm beginning to love this time of year, although it's cold and I hate winter, I feel myself coming into the January slump. The holidays are over (thankfully) and there's little to do but cozy up inside the house and relax. My husband got me TIVO for Christmas, which I am now referring to as TI-HO, because that is what I am slowly becoming- a ho for tv and rather than make myself feel bad for being a tv slug, I'm embracing it. It's the only bit of technology I have in my house. There's no computer, no video games, not even a microwave. TIVO is the only indication you'll find in my house to prove that we have indeed entered the the 21st century.
The only thing that I find a bit annoying about TIVO is how it judges me. When you program TIVO to record your favorite programs, TIVO takes it one step further and records programs that it thinks you might like based on your previous selections. Great feature, except that I've given TIVO the impression that I'm 12 and into really BAD tv. It has recorded shows like Family Matters and Full House. Ok, so we may have selected an episode or 2 of Wings and Reba on the WB is kind of funny, but Full House? We adamantly rejected these suggestions by giving as many "thumb downs" as TIVO would allow when asked to review their picks. This will prevent TIVO from making these selections in the future. So, for now I'm safe from the Olson twins, but Blossom is still out there, along with Alf and the kids from 7th Heaven.... Maybe we should have invested in satelite radio instead... I miss Howard already.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maybe next year you'll get a computer, that can heat up some food at the same time!! Or a cell phone that you can watch tv on!! Won't that be something.. you guys moving into "our" world!! :)