Friday, September 23, 2005

It's only rock n' roll (but I like it)

I like the new Rolling Stones song and something about that makes me feel old. I don't know if it's because they're a band from the 60's that I used to listen to when I was a little kid or if it's because they themselves are in their 60's. I also feel like it's not keeping me current, like listening to a band whose time has come and gone dates you or keeps you from moving forward. I used to always think my parents were stuck in a time warp with all their hippy music and Me and Bobby Mcgee crap. Am I becoming my parents? Is that what makes me feel old? Maybe I shouldn't worry so much about it. Maybe when my daughter is my age she'll love listening to new songs by REM or The Cure... hey, it could happen!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pulease, what are you going to move forward to?? PDiddy?? or Diddy.. whatever dumb name he's calling himself these days.. Your daughter is going to be a huge polka fan, and be crazy about the Serfs! Hah!