I hate that winter is just around the corner and it was made even more clear to me this weekend when we began our rituals of getting the house ready for winter. It's pretty simple. It's basically removing the air conditioners. We purchased 2 new air conditioners this summer. They kick ass. We cooled our house to morgue-like temperatures. It was so refreshing. Usually we're stuck with fans on high uselessly pushing around hot air. This year was glorious!
The biggest AC unit that we bought was put in our living room window designed to cool the entire 1st floor (which is really our second floor since we have a walkout basement).. So, yesterday we decided it was time to take them out of the windows and seal up the house. We won't be turning on the heat in our house until probably December (if my husband has his way) so getting the AC's out of the window will somehow keep the heat our bodies are creating inside the house.
The first AC we decide to remove, is of course, the biggest, heaviest. I've been dreading the heavy lifting this was going to require. My husband, who is leading the project, tells me to come over open the window. He's got all 10 fingers resting firmly on the AC unit just below where the window comes down to hold it in place. There are no additional braces or supports. The window is the only thing holding this UNIT in place. So with all of his fingers and weight holding onto this one small space at the top of the AC, I'm directed to open the window. I do. And watch. In horror. As the MOST expensive cooling device we have, PLUMMETS to the ground 12 feet below. Then I listen. to the sound. of metal bending and breaking and my husband screaming profanity that I'm sure I'll hear my young daughter repeat in the most inappropriate of places. He immediately goes outside to finish the task of bringing it into the basement. He plugged it in and it turned on, so it might be saved. I hope so. And though I will only admit this to my sister, a part of me was happy that I didn't have to carry it to the basement. The outcome for me really couldn't have been any better! Is that so wrong??